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A fairy light heart in front of a sunset

Venusian Message - April 2022 LoveLight Into The World

​This is a message to help remind everybody at this very moment in time how important and also how simple it is to make changes to your own life as well as to world events.

We may be tempted to fill our days with good deeds and busy action, thinking that the changes we effect through this will change our world.

This is certainly not to be sneered at but it is much more potent to go within and change the way we are thinking, feeling and radiating, which will then lead to inspired action. It is this inspired action which will feel wonderfully natural and joyful. Through this time miraculously expands and funds manifest themselves effortlessly.

It is all about being in alignment with your True Self.

If you do wish to see positive change for yourself, others and the world at large, here is a message from the Venusians reminding us how we can achieve this easily:

'Love. Love lies at the centre of your Being and at the core of every Soul on your planet. It is by focusing on this detail that great strides are being made when it comes to the transformational changes on your planet.

Connect with and really feel this love radiating out from your Hearts into the Hearts of others, especially those who have been branded as ‘dark’ or ‘evil’ by those who do not fully understand the workings of the Universe or your reality.

Really feel this Love connection and know that this is the key to transmuting any energy or space.'

We are being encouraged to get together in groups, link up and radiate this LoveLight out from our Hearts into the world. This only takes a few minutes.

As time and space do not really exist we don't even have to synchronise our connection. As you do this process allow yourself to move beyond time and space and you will be able to link up with all others who are also working in this way.

few minutes of your day to connect to your Heart and send LoveLight to yourself and out into the world is a small exchange for the benefits this will generate.

For those of you who prefer to be guided through this process:

There is an approx. 8 mins. long guided connection / meditation on our YouTube channel for this:

Venusian LoveLight Connection

Do not underestimate the importance or the potency of your participation in this!

This is all I wish to share with you at this moment.

As always Marcus and I are here if you have anything to share.

Much Love, Blessings & Gratitude

Marcus, Karin & Joshua xxx