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The crystal pattern concentric circles with snow quartz crystals on a galactic background


Bringing focus to your meditation practice

What is a Crystal Net?

A Crystal Net is formed when you place two or more Crystals in your energy field or in a room and ask for their energy to connect.

Have a look at the video, read the article (link below) or buy the e-book 'Networking with Crystals' for a more detailed explanation.

Read Article

E-Book on Crystal Nets

Networking with Crystals contains general information on how to look after and work with your Crystals.

In addition it contains 44 Crystal Net /Grid / Layouts and Patterns to help you attune to specific ways of BE-ing, s. a. Unconditional Self Love, Grounding Emotions and connecting to the Akasha.

An african woman sitting in meditation pose with crystals surrounding her on a galactic background

Meditating with Crystals

Adding Crystals to your meditation will add focus and clarity to your practice.

Knowing how to arrange Crystals around you to achieve specific vibrations such as connecting to Unconditional Love, Joy or greater Creativity empowers you to focus on the things you wish to manifest in your life.

A concentric circle crystal net pattern with snow quartz crystals on a galactic background

Crystal Net Examples

Click on the button to find some free Crystal Net examples for you to try.

Small organza bags containing crystals for the balancing emotions crystal net

Buy Crystal Nets

Start your focused practice today. Purchase Crystal Nets & Sets in our shop.

a beautiful blue butterfly with its reflection on a dark blue background

Learn to Manifest with Crystal energies

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Six clear quartz crystal points laid out in a circle with points outwards on magenta background, looks like a flower

Learn more about Crystals

If you are new to Crystals or you would like to re-visit some of the basic skills involved when working with them you can find out more by clicking the button below.