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Butterflies on a sunny day with the words six crystals that transformed my life

Six Crystals That Transformed My Life

Please know that these are by no means the only Crystals I used to help me transcend life issues and to open me more fully to my intuition and guidance.

However, in hindsight they are the main ones I used every day (not all at once). Either by carrying them around with me or at night time to cleanse myself of unwanted energies accumulated during the day.

1. Lapis Lazuli

This came to me very early on my journey and I used it every day for several years. Lapis Lazuli is expansive and it helped me to remember how to connect to my true self.

I found it calming, protective and it gently opened me up to my intuition.

I re-visited using Lapis again when I programmed a piece to help me expand the work I did with my Crystal groups.

2. Clear Quartz Point

There is one Clear Quartz Point that joined me when I began to study Crystals. It was the first Crystal that ‘spoke’ to me. It said ‘I’m not perfect but I will work very hard for you.’

This one is still with me and I use it almost every day for healingenergising Essences, drawing symbols and to help me draw off unwanted energies.

We are best buddies : )

3. Carnelian

Before discovering that Love is my best protection, I went through a phase of carrying Carnelian in my pocket to help me feel grounded and protected. It’s warming, grounding energy made me feel strong and safe.

4. Selenite

Selenite is uplifting, absorbing and connecting. During a time when I was doing a lot of clearing it helped me to release negative emotions and to get back into the flow of the higher dimensions.

5. Labradorite

A Labradorite Palmstone played an important role to keep me from feeling overwhelmed at a time where I was running a lot of Crystal groups and courses. One of my tasks is to harmonise the energies in a space and between people. At times this can feel very busy for me. Labradorite helped me to view everything from a more positive perspective.


6. Seraphenite

There was a time when both home-life and my Crystal work was exceptionally busy. Seraphenite helped me to feel at peace with myself and my limitations, accepting me the way I am. It is also a very uplifting stone that encouraged me to reach my energies higher in order to connect more fully with the Angelic realms and above.

Which are your favourite Crystals and why? You can feel into this more fully. Consciously feel into which energies and tools work best for you in any given situation. This will help you to develop an energetic toolkit that you can use again and again.


Over the years my favourite and most valued Crystals were:

  1. Lapis Lazuli – to open me up
  2. Clear Quartz Point – healing & energising
  3. Carnelian - protection
  4. Selenite - clearing
  5. Labradorite – balancing emotions
  6. Serapheninte – uplift & open more fully