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Happy snowman family


This article was originally posted in December 2020

This morning Joshua and I were looking at some words and how to spell them. One of the things we enjoy is to take the words apart and see if we can spell some other words with the letters contained in it.

As we did this with the word 'history', Joshua came up with the word 'story' and then it hit me! Here it is plain for everyone to see - history is made up of the two words 'his' and 'story'!

This put a lot of things into perspective for me. Whenever we look at something that has occurred, we are merely looking at a story. In fact, we as the human race have gone as far as calling these stories 'his story'. To me the meaning of this is the story told by someone else. We don't say 'her story' or 'my story', but maybe this is something we should start to look at.

Especially 'my story'! To me this word, when put together (mystory) sounds awfully close to the words mystery and - best of all - mastery!

So, this Festive season my gift to you is this little play on words. Maybe this will inspire you to take charge of your life and turn his-tory into my-story.

Make the telling of your story a positive and joyful one and be very discerning about what you allow to enter into the category of 'my-story' versus 'his-tory'. 

With Love, Blessings & much Gratitude for noticing & reading this

Karin xxx